Are You at Risk for Testicular Cancer?

Last year, it was estimated that 8,820 new cases of testicular cancer were diagnosed. The rate of testicular cancer has been increasing around the world for many decades, but our knowledge of this disease has also expanded.

Learn more about the known risk factors for testicular cancer.

  • Cryptorchidism – This condition occurs when one or both testicles do not move down into the scrotum before birth. Men with undescended testicles have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. This risk may be lowered if surgery is performed to correct the condition before the boy reaches puberty.
  • Abnormal testicle development – Conditions that cause testicles to develop abnormally – such as Klinefelter’s syndrome – may put you at a greater risk of developing testicular cancer.
  • Family history – Men who have a close relative – especially a brother – who has had testicular cancer have an increased risk of also developing the disease.
  • Age – More than half of testicular cancer diagnoses occur in men between ages 20 and 45. However, this disease can affect men of any age.
  • Race – While men of all races can develop testicular cancer, it is more prevalent in white men.
  • HIV/AIDS – Men who have HIV or AIDS caused by the human immunodeficiency virus have a slightly higher risk of developing testicular cancer.


If you have one or more of these characteristics, discuss with your doctor your risk of testicular cancer. Be aware of the symptoms of testicular cancer, and call your physician if anything seems concerning.